Does Your Home Fit Your Plans, Still?
Seize the last of the new year momentum to improve your everyday.
Posted on Friday, February 3, 2023

Are last year’s plans for your home already feeling a bit ‘last year’?
The new year for many of us is a time to rethink and reset and that goes for our plans too. Many of us feel a surge of creativity once January is through, and the early snowdrop shoots remind us that everything evolves, particularly our best-laid plans.
If you’re wondering whether to move or improve your home this year. Start with a free valuation. Yes, the agent will ask what your plans are and your timings for context, to which you can relax and say “Don’t know yet” if that’s the case.
You’ll get free advice on how best to time things in 2023’s calmer housing market, and the areas where you’ll get the most for your money in east London. You’ll also get a clear view of what moving will actually cost you in real terms.
Then when the discussions have been had and Spring is underway you’ll be equipped to make an informed decision and it won’t have cost you a penny, hopefully easing any dilemma or uneasiness between partners along the way, if the idea of moving isn’t agreed upon just yet.
With supply chains still struggling for building suppliers, there’re more variables than you might expect around the question of staying in the home and making it work by hiring contractors.
But a lot can be achieved by narrowing down exactly what it is that isn’t working. It’s a big decision to both move and improve, but identifying where the difficulties truly are will make it more manageable.
The most common reason for moving is the need for more space. Either because of a growing family, changing homeworking commitments and a growing amount of stuff. It’s easy to become overwhelmed with what we all amass through our lives, or even just Christmas.
Tackling storage is a win:win because it clears your space pronto, and is relatively inexpensive. And if you do decide to move, having excellent storage can add thousands to your sale price.
Rather than buy storage look at DIY options, which can be fitted to the space perfectly, with the help of a handyperson if necessary. And if colour-rich interiors are in your plans, storage may provide an exciting blank canvas. Your storage solution could create a major room feature, in fact, painted storage could well be 2023’s equivalent of the feature wall.
Nothing’s more important than your ambition for a more comfortable home life. The benefits will be there every morning when you wake up and every evening when you settle in, with a thousand touch points throughout your day.
You know best what’s best for you and your family, but we’re happy to help with the free valuation and chat to get your ball rolling.
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