Keep Cosy and Carry On

The (non post-apocalyptic) guide to keeping warm this Winter.

Posted on Friday, October 21, 2022

Keep Cosy and Carry On

Is all the news about energy starting to make you feel like you’re living in a survival movie? Are you steadfastly refusing to put the heating on until you see icicles at the window?  

First off, we’ll get through this.

Secondly, note. If you do Christmas stockings, they may have a more practical vibe this year with hot water bottles and bed socks likely to be firm festive favourites. You heard it here first.

The current economic crisis is sending us all in search of creative ways to keep warm and cope with the hiked charges this Winter. Here’re a few practical ideas that we’re counting on, from small moves to preventative measures. 

Start small

Heating a whole home is slow to increase the overall temperature, and wastes energy. But a fleecy hot water bottle and an extra pair of socks bring instant, localised warmth to where it’s needed without so much as boiling the kettle. It’s a no-brainer and a good way to get kids involved in the mission.

Rethink furniture

Do your radiators have room to radiate heat or is a piece of furniture causing the heat to bypass your room and, instead, send it to the ceiling space? Blocking is never a good look even without the energy-wasting factor. Set your radiators free for Winter and you never know—maybe a change around will work better than you think.

Mind the gaps

Controlled ventilation is a good thing, it’s healthy to have air circulating and it cuts the risk of damp. But unmanaged draughts are officially the biggest cause of heat loss, yet a relatively cheap problem to fix. Sealing draughts can reduce heat loss by 35-40% according to Northern Power and keep you feeling snug at home. 

Use draught excluders, door curtains and don’t forget to draughtproof your loft hatch if you have one. The other part of draught-proofing, of course, is insulating: walls, roof, floors, tanks, pipes and radiators can all be insulated. For more info click here

Curtains! Blinds! Shutters!

Curtains and blinds are good at preventing draughts, but a shout out for shutters, which fit snugly into the window recess, effectively blocking draughts, light too, and interestingly, shutters can increase the value of your home. 

As much as 20% of heat loss occurs through windows, so for maximum heat containment, consider layering up your window furnishings.

For advice, quotes and a fantastic range of shutters for any property, talk to Walthamstow Shutter Blinds, who are offering readers of the Estates East blog (that’s you) 10% discount off their first purchase on completion of a new property or rental contract. Just take the card from your Estates East Completion Pack when you go.


An efficient heating system makes the home warm without turning up the heat so high. Increase your system’s efficiency with or without a budget.


With a budget

  • Get your boiler serviced. It’s a small outlay that will quickly pay for itself in savings

  • Update your thermostat

Try a smart one and make use of the timed settings etc. For more info click here

Without a budget

  • Reduce the water pressure on your boiler, this can save you up to 10% a year on your energy bill. Check the manufacturer’s instructions to see how

  • Bleed your radiators, it makes a difference immediately. There’re plenty of quick tutorials online

And remember to keep an eye on the neighbours

Warmth isn’t all about the physical.

If you know someone who’s elderly or alone, pop in and check up on them. And if you’re really worried, alert the family or local services. Of course, it isn’t just the elderly who might need support and a kind word, don’t we all? Community is something we’re good at in east London, let’s look after each other this Winter.

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