Thank you
And now it’s time to party!
Posted on Monday, December 19, 2022

As we wind down for the festive season we're reflecting on the past year and hope this weekly property blog has infused a bit of info and inspo into your inbox.
We’ve loved sharing our east London property expertise with you and bringing in our interior designer to share her insight. We’ve certainly covered a range of topics like how to create an entrance in one of the most neglected, yet powerful, areas of your home, the hallway; common mistakes to avoid when selling property, and the history and appeal of the Warner homes. All our blogs are available to read at
What would you like us to talk about next? We’re happy to explore any subject, and use our property and interior know-how. Maybe you want more opinions on the business of property? Or perhaps you’re wondering if net curtains will kill your kerb appeal? Let us know, send an email to
A huge thank you to our subscribers, please continue to read and share. And if you run a local business, get in touch, we’d be happy to give you a shout out.
We're wishing you light, warmth, happiness and peaceful gatherings over the festive period. And a safe and prosperous 2023.
Love from Estates East x
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